Competitions for the construction of an art park in the Kaiserau discrict of Bolzano


A new district is being built on a green meadow. People now live where plants once grew.

Nothing connects them.
The only thing that unites them is the place where they will live from now on.

They do not know each other, some come from other cultures and want to find a home here.

What is home?
A place where you find friends. A place where you can live your own ideas in a social environment. A place that supports the individual and keeps an eye on the common good. Having a home turns out to be a stroke of luck. Feeling at home requires tolerance. Happiness is a social construct, you feel it when you notice that you share your own interests with others. You also feel it when you forget the time through doing something.

A seed that falls into the ground adapts to its surroundings. It needs warmth and seeks nourishment in water and air. Plants grow. One bears fruit, the other produces flowers. Planted together, a garden is created. A garden takes time. Maintaining a garden is an art. Art needs time to grow. In a garden, life becomes art, art becomes life and everyone becomes an artist.

4 GARDENS – 4 PICTURES – 4 ROOMS – 1 PARK The fence becomes the frame, the beds in the frame become the picture. The pictures create the space.

An art space – the art park