Villa Mirè Merano


A garden is not a natural location but a cultural intervention into a landscape, at the same time a refuge that should be available not only to people but also to other living beings. Therefore, it is intended to accommodate as many different forms of life as possible, which preserve different habitats as well as the genetic diversity which also manifests itself through subspecies and varieties. Plants thrive best where the living conditions suit them. Plants for the sun, plants for the shade. Plants that thrive only in water and those that prefer drier areas. This creates a garden in which the importance is placed on the fact that something blooms throughout the year and a continuous biodiversity is guaranteed. A combination of colors sizes and growth rates. The fact that it is a garden that can be entered by different people who live in the same building should always provide them with something to gain during the year. In this sense, there are native plants that shape the landscape in and around the garden city of Merano, but also plants from different countries. Merano’s gardens have always been very biodiverse.

Last but not least: In economically lean times, people want abundance, a garden of paradise in which everything can flourish. Unlike economically prosperous times when everything is geared towards extreme reduction. It’s always been that way.