Villa Naif Merano


The property is located in agricultural greenery and therefore there is no obligation to pay attention to biodiversity. Nevertheless, importance is placed on the fact that the planting, although very reduced, has a high biodiversity.

The hedges consist of at least 6 different species. Liguster combines with Cornus sanguinea one of the most popular plants for bees, in addition to Acer campestre as bird protection, Viburnum opulus which, like Crataegus monogyna, not only provides winter food for birds, but also the caterpillars of butterflies and it smells wonderful. From May to June, the Berberite blooms, which is not only a good bee pasture, but also offers protection to small mammals and birds through its spines.

Later in the summer, Hibiskus opens, its striking large flowers and provides the bees with plenty of pollen. The extensive greening of the roofs with various drought-insensitive perennials such as rockweed, fat hens, creeping thyme and others does the rest. Cypresses, oleander and lavender spread a little Mediterranean flair.